
Sunday, July 15, 2007

face plant

usu that is a facetious word, or it is used in exaggeration. well, not today. I got sucked between the timbers of the dinky little log bridge across Horeshoe Gulch as I was about 3min into a ride up the CO Trail. My bike stopped as it got hung up sideways, and I launched forward and landed square on the lower left part of my face. luckily I didn't hit my forehead and get knocked out, or lose any of my teeth. only some nasty road rash and a headache for a bit. what a dumb move, as i've ridden that log crossing many times. not today, I got worked and now I am paying for it. looks like dirt on my face, but it's not. i've cleaned it many times, it's just the beginnings of some nasty scab formation.