
Monday, October 09, 2006

off season...not really

it is the middle of October and still there seems to be a decent amount of people in town on the wknds. good for business, but kind of sad in other ways. i guess it makes me appreciate the few, yes FEW, weekends of the entire off season that seem really dead in town. they're calling for some snow tonight. we'll see how much.

got out for a short spin around town with alina after lunch. mid 40s with occasional rain and snow. and some wind. but it was good towing the trailer as it warmed me up fast. we put alina's cheap pink puffy (CPP) on her for the first time. the CCP was kinda big, so we put on a couple of thinner layers, her hat and Patagonia mittens. Alina seems to love the movement, whether it's the baby jogger or the bike trailer. I have to aasume she prefers the baby jogger, as she doesn't have to be in the car seat, which is the current setup in the Trek double wide. i hope to have her in a Burley soloin early 2007. i wonder if she can perceive differences in speed. does she prefer the slower constant motion of Helen running, or the faster, sometimes bumpier, rides when I am towing her on my cross or road machine?

My fitness isn't far off once again. A few good days this week, incl a skill session, and I should be okay for the local weekend of cross races. I should ride up at the Nordic center again, as Brecktobercross was relocated from Carter Park to the nordic center. not a true cross course, but a rockier mtb course will prob suit me well.

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